Thursday, February 14, 2008

ZiPhone Updated to v2.0 (GUI) and v2.1

We just received word that ZiPhone v2.1 is now out and ready for public use. The new version is a GUI version for OS X, and has several bug fixes and general stability. Version 2 also has a new "-b" option, which will "downgrade bootloader from 4.6 to 3.9, flash 4.03.13_G baseband version and unlock it (in one shot!)."

You can download v2.0 for OS X here.

Version 2.1 is still command line based, but has several fixes:

Corrected the "apple logo bug".
Removed -v option (now it's always booting in verbose mode)
Added integrity check on zibri.dat.
Added 2 .BAT files for windows newbies :)
Updated README.txt
The GUI versions and OSX versions were not updated
but they will work as long as you don't use the -v option.

You can download v2.1 via mirror here.

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