Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bye Bye Windows Mobile..Night Rider

Net Applications posted their quarterly browser market share report this weekend, and the results were surprisingly in Apple's favor. Not only did the Mac show solid gains, but the iPhone did exceptionally well in comparison to it's competition.True, it's only 0.9%, but while it sounds small, it's phenomenal considering the short amount of time the iPhone has been on the market. Add to that .01% for the iPod touch, and the Apple mobile platform makes up every 1000 pageviews on the internet.All of the Windows platforms put together only managed around 66%. Windows CE devices were around .06%. That's a full .03% under the iPhone. It took the mobile Windows platform 10 years to get where it is today, and the iPhone surpassed it in a fraction of a year.That's not the end of it, either. With it's rapid growth, it's quickly moving in the direction of desktop territory. Windows 95 only has four times the marketshare as the iPhone. And Linux, just over five times (.57%). At this rate, the iPhone/iPod platform might grow to become the third largest computing platform by the end of next year

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