Wednesday, August 20, 2008

GUI Version of QuickPwn for iPhone Released

Poorlad has created a GUI version of QuickPwn based on the command line tool just released by the iPhone Dev-Team.

“poorlad” has stepped up and created a GUI version of QuickPwn based on our Windows release earlier, this is a stopgap solution that he created in a little over 5 hours, great stuff poorlad!

It is available for download here but beware this is still beta software, it is fairly self explanatory and easy to use. You’ll still see a command-line window popping up when the actual QuickPwn process takes place, but the device and ipsw selection is handled by the GUI.

A final cross platform GUI for QuickPwn is also being developed, but this version should help some of you guys and gals right now.

This version fixes some issues that were reported with the iPod touch.

We’ve also heard reports of 2.0.2 version of the iPhone software being released, we’ll be looking at this tomorrow, but for the moment we’d recommend you stay at 2.0.1.

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