Wednesday, June 4, 2008

iPhone Lego Robot

BattleBricks has create an iPhone Lego Robot which can be controlled via another phone or browser.

BattleBricks provides instructions, diagrams, and part lists for building this robot if you want to try it yourself.

This is a demonstration of iPhone to Lego NXT Robot communication via the Safari browser and Lego's Light Sensor. To build this, you'll need a laptop, two iPhones, and a Lego NXT Robotics Kit. First, build your robot. Second write some Java LeJOS Robot code. Third write some Google Web Toolkit web application code. Fourth, plug in your iPhone into the robot, and use either a browser or another iPhone to drive the Lego Robot! Full details on building your own, and using this approach for other robot ideas are below. Now wouldn't it be great if the next Lego Mindstorms Robot Brick had Wifi? .
You can also learn how to build your own iPhone Lego Robot by following instructions here.
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