Thursday, May 22, 2008

Camino 1.6.1 Released!

The Camino Project has released update 1.6.1 for its Camino Web browser. Camino is an open source web browser developed with a focus on providing the best possible experience for Mac OS X users.

Camino 1.6.1 contains the following improvements over version 1.6:
* Camino will no longer crash when attempting to add a search engine that uses POST.
* Camino displays more useful error messages when it is unable to add a search engine.
* Camino supports a wider variety of search engine definition files.
* Restored compatibility with Adobe Dreamweaver and other applications that use a deprecated AppleEvent to open documents in Camino.
* Improved robustness of code used to access the Keychain.
* Command-period will now close the Find toolbar on Mac OS X 10.5.

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