- 3,500 daily unique visitors.
- 6,583 daily pageviews.
- #3 in Google pagerank.
- #1 in search engine rankings like Google, Yahoo and AOL for keywords like: iTouch jailbreak, iTouch Hack, Itouch unlock, iPhone firmware unlock and many more.
- As of today the vaue of my blog is: $15,680.4
- 1st post on 11/14/2007 and 1000th post on 5/21/2008
This blog takes up too much of my time. With work, school and life( yes, I have a life) my day is very busy. I get lazy and don't want to write posts but then I look back at the last 6 months and to think that this blog was just a blank page and now its one of the best blogs online with the most unique content and tutorials. Just reminds me that I can make thing happen, boi!
Apple has begun airing a new iPod + iTunes TV Ad featuring the band Coldplay.
The new spot has rock band Coldplay playing the song “Viva La Vida” from their upcoming album. Apple has slightly increased the brightness of their usual silhouettes so you can see dimly lit band members in front of a dark background with brightly colored effects.
Watch the Ad
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