Thursday, March 6, 2008

How to Unlock 1.1.4 and Downgrade to 3.9-fakeblank iPhone Bootloader (Mac)

Hack that iPhone and iTouch: Learn How To Jailbreak, Hack and Unlock Apple Gadgets

The Video is for a Windows guide but the principle is the same...If you aren't comfortable with this video use the guide below and screenshots!

These are instructions on how to downgrade to the 3.9-fakeblank Bootloader and unlock 1.1.4 using iPlus 1.2 for Mac.

iPlus 1.2 Features
1-Unlock and if required automatically downgrade the bootloader to 3.9FakeBlank
4-Install AFC2
5-Add the following packages: Installer, Community Services, BSD subsystem, OpenSSH, VT-100

Plus: BSD Fix, VT100 Fix, Summerboard themes directory fix, Relocates Fonts and Ringtones (More than 120MB free)

Before attempting this make sure you have restored your iPhone to 1.1.4 using iTunes.

Step One
Download iPlus 1.2 from here

Step Two
From the file we just downloaded extract the iPlus 1.2 folder to your Desktop.

Step Three
Launch Terminal by selecting it from your Applications:Utilities folder

Step Four
The Terminal window will open. Enter the following command then press Enter
cd ~/Desktop/iPlus1.2

Step Five
Enter the following three commands into the Terminal window. If you get a file exists message that is okay.
mkdir -p /opt/local/lib

Step Six
Enter the following command into the Terminal window.
cp libreadline.5.2.dylib /opt/local/lib/.

Step Seven
Enter the following command into the Terminal window to unlock and downgrade your bootloader.
./iplus -u

NOTE**: This command will automatically activate, jailbreak, and unlock. If necessary and able it will also change your bootloader to the 3.9-fakeblank Bootloader. If you don't want to unlock just drop the -u and iPlus will only activate and jailbreak!

Step Six
The program will then put your iPhone into recovery mode. Once it is successfully in recovery mode you will be asked to wait 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Step Seven
Once rebooted it will tell you that Bootloader downgrade was completed. Now it will proceed to unlock, jailbreak and activate. Your iPhone will be put into recovery mode again. iPlus will inform you that it will be another 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Step Eight
Once your iPhone comes out of its final reboot it will be activated, jailbroken, unlocked and bootloader downgraded !!!!

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